Wind Buffeting
Wind buffeting can be described as the perception of pressure on the ears or a helicopter-type sound in the ears. Your vehicle may exhibit wind buffeting with the windows down, or the sunroof (if equipped) in certain open or partially open positions. This is a normal occurrence and can be minimized. If the buffeting occurs with the rear windows open, then open the front and rear windows together to minimize the buffeting. If the buffeting occurs with the sunroof open, then adjust the sunroof opening to minimize the buffeting.
See also:
Tire Size
The tire size on the Vehicle Certification Label represents
the actual tire size on your vehicle. Replacement tires
must be equal to the load capacity of this tire size. ...
Playback of MP3 Files
When a medium containing MP3 data is loaded, the
radio checks all files on the medium. If the medium
contains a lot of folders or files, the radio will take more
time to start playing the MP3 fi ...
How To Use This Manual
Consult the Table of Contents to determine which section
contains the information you desire.
Since the specification of your vehicle depends on the
items of equipment ordered, certain descriptio ...