Lane Changing
ACC will not detect a vehicle until it is completely in the lane in which you are traveling. In the illustration shown, ACC has not yet detected the vehicle changing lanes and it may not detect the vehicle until it’s too late for the ACC system to take action. ACC will not detect a vehicle until it is completely in the lane. There will not be sufficient distance to the lane-changing vehicle. Always be attentive and ready to apply the brakes if necessary.
See also:
Traction Control System (TCS)
The Traction Control System (TCS) monitors the amount
of wheel spin of each of the driven wheels. If wheel spin
is detected, brake pressure is applied to the slipping
wheel(s) and engine power i ...
Voice Command
• For best performance, adjust the rearview mirror to
provide at least 1⁄2 in (1 cm) gap between the overhead
console (if equipped) and the mirror.
• Always wait for the beep before spe ...
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