Using ACC On Hills

When driving on hills, ACC may not detect a vehicle in your lane. Depending on the speed, vehicle load, traffic conditions, and the steepness of the hills, ACC performance may be limited.

Lane Changing

    See also:

    Chrysler Canada Inc. Customer Center
    P.O. Box 1621 Windsor, Ontario N9A 4H6 Phone: (800) 465–2001 English / (800) 387–9983 French ...

    Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
    This system enhances directional control and stability of the vehicle under various driving conditions. The ESC corrects for oversteering and understeering the vehicle by applying the brake of t ...

    Mode Control (Air Direction)
    Rotate this control to choose from several patterns of air distribution. You can select either a primary mode as identified by the symbols on the control, or a blend of two of these modes. ...